Carrito de compra
Su carrito actualmente está vacío.
Seguir comprandoTu cuenta
P. Necesito crear una cuenta para comprar en
R.No, puedes hacer tu compra sin necesidad de abrir una cuenta. Pero, si quieres guardar datos como tu "wishlist" te sugerimos crear una cuenta.
P. Cómo creo una cuenta?
R. Ve aquí, registrarte y crea tu cuenta. Es muy sencillo Crear cuenta
P. Olvidé mi contraseña, cómo la recupero?
R. Ve aquí, y con el correo que registraste podrás recuperar tu cuenta. Recuperar contraseña.
Información del producto
P. Cómo puedo encontrar un producto en
R. Existen diferentes maneras para que encuentres los productos que buscas. Puedes buscar las prendas usando el buscador ubicado en la esquina superior izquierda, ingresando palabras clave (faja, deportiva, post parto) o el número de referencia del producto. También puedes buscar en la barra de menú, seleccionando la categoría que necesites.
P. Cómo se cuál es la talla ideal para mi?
R. Puedes consultar esta GUÍA DE TALLAS. Y, según el tipo de producto que deseas, consúltalo. Si te quedan dudas puedes comunicarte con nosotros a nuestro chat.
Proceso de compra
P. Me llegó un cupón, cómo lo hago válido?
R. Cuando finalizas tu compra, verás del lado derecho un campo que dice "Descuento" captura tu cupón y de inmediato verás aplicado el descuento o promoción.
P. Qué métodos de pago aceptan?
R. Aceptamos pagos con PayPal Express. Pagos con Tarjetas de crédito, débito y American Express (protegido y avalado por PayPal Plus) y Mercado Pago. Siéntete con la confianza de que tu pago es 100% seguro.
P. Pedí más de dos productos pero me llegaron en días distintos.
R. Debido a la logística de nuestros almacenes, en algunas ocasiones tu producto saldrá de distintos almacenes. En este caso tendrás los números de rastreo.
P. Mi compra ya incluye IVA?
R. Sí, todos nuestros productos incluyen IVA
Envíos y devoluciones
P. Cuál es el costo de envío?
R. Todos nuestros envíos en México tienen un costo de $140. consulta política de envíos
P. Cuándo aplica un cambio o devolución?
R. Lo puedes consultar política de cambio . Si aún tienes dudas nos puedes escribir o dejar un mensaje en el chat.
Absolutely not! Although the theme is marketed for large inventory stores (due to great features like advanced group filtering), we worked hard to make sure it also works well with any size store. With features such as a single featured product on the home page, testimonials, logo lists, etc., we believe this theme could just as easily be used with a single product store as a large inventory store.
No. It is possible to easily setup a home page that looks amazing with just one or two high-resolution images. And although it is possible to upload unique header images to each collection, pages, blogs, etc., it is not a requirement. The theme offers a "default image" setting that allows you to add just one background image that will appear in all your headers. And with Shopify's new free Burst stock photo service, it's easier than ever to find appropriate photos for these areas.
Absolutely! We are happy to answer questions and address bugs that may arise as a result of a clean theme installation. We also provide up to 15 minutes of free coding updates (or advice about coding updates) as part of our free support that is included with your valid theme purchase. For more information about our support policies, please read our support policies and scope page. If you need help, we encourage you to read through this FAQ and check our other help desk articles first. If you can't find the answer you need, please contact us.
We recommend uploading a logo that is approximately twice the width of the actual size you want it to appear. There is an option in the Header section settings to specify the pixel width of the logo. For example, if you choose 100px here, we suggest uploading a logo that is 200px wide. This allows for a higher quality logo on super high resolution devices like iPhone/iPad/Mac retina screens. Logos must be in transparent PNG format for best results. We also suggest trimming out any excess transparent space in your logo prior to uploading it.
Note that these are just general guidelines:
Logo - 200-400px wide, 40-100px tallSlideshow images - 1600 x 1200px (for full screen slideshows), 1600 x 400-600px for standard slideshows. All slideshow images should be the same dimensions for best visual resultsGallery images - at least 720px wide, at least 400px high. Height doesn't matter as much, but all gallery images should be the same dimensions for best visual resultsTitle bar images / collection featured images - 1400 x 600px approximately. Varies depending on how tall you set this sectionBlog featured images - Landscape images work/look best - 900 x 400-700pxProduct images - We recommend the largest size photos you have for your product images. Shopify automatically creates multiple copies of the image when you upload a product image, and the theme uses appropriate sizes for the various locations they appear. For best results though, we suggest using product images that are all the same dimensions. If this isn't possible, we suggest at least making all the featured images the same dimensions (the first image you upload on each product)Full width home page sections (Image with text overlay, featured video, etc.) - 1600 x 600-1000px (depending on the height you choose for these sections)
If there is not a theme setting to change your text, it is probably in the theme languages area. Galleria comes with two built-in languages - English and Canadian French. Instructions for editing and translating your theme can be found in this Shopify helpdesk article.
You likely do not have accounts enabled in your checkout settings. If you do not have accounts enabled, the icon won't show. Check here for instructions to enable accounts.
You can enable currency settings in your theme general settings under the Currency heading, but that is only one of the steps required. You must also edit the HTML for currency formatting.
We recently wrote a detailed blog post describing some great ways to improve page loading times with our Shopify themes.